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npm as a Destination
Using Specify’s npm as a Destination gives you full control over your design token distribution process.
Specify's vision has been built upon bringing designers and engineers closer to each other. Today's launch is a feature that is 100% dedicated to this vision, because today we are introducing Node Package Manager (npm) as a destination!
About npm - in case you don't know
npm is a software registry for Node.js/JavaScript applications hosting private and open source packages. Basically, it's a developer ecosystem including over a million packages. Those packages contain files and code required to run an application. And the best part? Anyone can create a package and publish it to the npm registry. And from today on you can use Specify to do it for you.

Version design tokens with npm packages
Control and consistency
Specify's npm as a destination gives design teams more control to share their design decisions with other teams. Transforming and distributing your design tokens and assets by using npm packages gives full control over your existing process and helps you reassure that your design decisions are up-to-date. You are in control to divide your tokens into different packages - if needed. Which ensures consistency and accuracy across all projects, automatically.
Collaboration and flexibility
Making use of npm packages in your design system allows for more efficient collaboration between designers and developers. The package can be reused by several teams, on several projects. We’ve built this destination pipeline to make your design token distribution even more flexible and customizable using only one configuration. Configurations in Specify are based on parsers and/or templates, these are customizable too! npm packages can be easily shared and imported into any project.
Versioning and automation
Furthermore, by exporting design decisions as npm packages, designers can also use them as a form of documentation. This means that designers can easily share their design decisions with stakeholders and other team members, making it easier for them to understand and approve design changes. Documentation includes versioning as well, and automating your versioning is always a good idea! Using npm as a destination eliminates the need for manual updates and manual version control.
npm as a destination is available on all of our plans. No limits, just flexibility.
Learn more on how to install it here ↗︎.