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How to sync design tokens from Tokens Studio to GitHub as CSS variables

Learn how to sync your design tokens from Tokens Studio to GitHub and transform them as CSS Variables using the Specify CLI in a GitHub Action

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Published On

Sep 20, 2023

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Published On

Sep 20, 2023

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Published On

Sep 20, 2023

Since last week’s update, you are now able to import tokens from a JSON file in Specify. In other words, Specify is compatible with “code as a source” in addition to Figma. This feature unlocked one of the most requested feature we’ve been receiving over the last couple of years: importing design tokens created in Tokens Studio to Specify and automatically transform them to code.

In this article you’ll learn how to sync your tokens from Tokens Studio to Specify and how to automatically generate them as CSS variables in your GitHub repository.

The workflow looks like this:

How design tokens are synced from Tokens Studio to a GitHub repository via Specify and the Specify CLI

Ready? Let’s dive in 🤿


Please make sure you have:

Sync your design tokens from Tokens Studio to GitHub

You can sync tokens from Tokens Studio to several sync providers. We’ll use GitHub in this article but you’re free to choose the one you want (GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps etc.).

  1. Within the settings tab, add GitHub as a new sync provider

  2. Name your connection (e.g. “GitHub”)

  3. Generate a personal access token with repo permissions from GitHub and set it in Tokens Studio

  4. Set the name of your GitHub user and the name of your GitHub repository ({username}/{repository})

  5. Set the branch on which you would like Tokens Studio to generate your JSON file

  6. Set the path and the name of your JSON file that Tokens Studio will generate (e.g. tokens.json)

  7. Commit your changes to GitHub

If everything went well you should see the following screen:

Finally, you will have a new JSON file created in your GitHub repository containing all your design tokens.

Collect your design tokens from GitHub to Specify

  1. Go to your Specify workspace

  2. Click on "Create repository"

  3. Name your repository

  4. Select "Sync from Figma Variables & Tokens Studio" (Learn more ↗︎)

  5. Click on "Create repository"

  6. In the "Source" tab, click on "Create a source"

  7. Select "Remote URL"

ℹ️ At this point, you can choose to pull design tokens either from a public or a private repository. In this example we’ll do it from a private repository.

To add a private URL source from GitHub to Specify:

  1. In the "Source" tab of your Specify repository, click on "Create a source"

  2. Select "Remote URL"

  3. Select "Private"

  4. Name your source

  5. Create and Paste this GitHub file URL such as:{owner}/{repo}/contents/{file_path}

  6. Select "Bearer Token" as the auth system & paste your personal access token from GitHub

  7. Select "Tokens Studio Format"

  8. Specify will test your JSON

  9. And voila!

You should now have a new source created in Specify which will look like this:

Generate CSS variables in your GitHub repository

First, fork this GitHub repository that contains everything to help you get started.

Then, set a new repository secret called SPECIFY_TOKEN containing your Specify Personal Access Token in your GitHub repository: Settings > Secrets > Actions.

Finally, update the GitHub Action to set your own Specify repositories and Specify config files.

Now, test your workflow by executing it manually:

You should now see a new Pull Request created, which looks like this:

Going further

We have just led you through the process of syncing design tokens from Tokens Studio to Specify and generate them as CSS variables in GitHub as a result of an automated Pull Request. The most important thing to remember is the actual workflow: Tokens Studio → GitHub → Specify → GitHub.

Want to generate design tokens in another format or go further with Specify? Here are useful resources that will help you get started:

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