


Find out about Specify latest product changes.

Mar 21, 2023

New API Documentation

New Documentation

We've revamped our documentation. This new documentation will help you find everything you need to know to get started with Specify. From supported token types, available destinations (GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, Raycast, Notion), and all available parsers.

👉 Go check it out

GitHub Manual Synchronization

You can now manually trigger the sync of your design tokens and assets from Specify to your GitHub repository.

New Parser: To-Typescript-Definition

This parser helps you format design tokens to create their corresponding TypeScript types. In other words, you'll get autocompletion for your design tokens and assets in code 💪

More precisely, it generates TypeScript types corresponding to Specify Token types. All types respective values match the name of your design tokens returned by Specify.

Bug fixes & improvements

  • We've added in your repositories Destinations page articles to help you connect Specify to your GitLab and Azure DevOps repositories.

  • Allow the uploading of non-matching fonts when Google Fonts are not automatically recognized.

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